About us

Antique photo of Muria beekeepersMuria Premium Honey is the international brand of the company S.A.T LIMITADA APÍCOLA EL PERELLÓ 1363-CAT. A company that has been working with bees for 6 generations.  There are written records of our activities since 1810, passing on traditional knowledge from generation to generation.

Nowadays, Muria just like before, continue the tradition apicultors muriatranshumance. Following the different flower blossoms all over our territory, with the aim to obtain maximum quality products.

The main activity of our company is the production, packaging and marketing of our honey (rosemary, orange, heather, thousand flower…) produced by our own facilities. We currently have over 2000 Dadant bee hives. The honey we produce is marketed under the brand names: Muria Premium honey sold internationally, artMuria our luxury honey brand (artmuria.com) and Mel Muria, sold throughout Spain (melmuria.com).

Our Muria Premium Honey is of extraordinary quality. It has been acknowledged and supported by many awards obtained in different national and international competitions.

In Spain Muria is also well known for its museum. Using the cultural heritage of the company, and based on a set of beekeeping equipment from different areas and old tools used to work the honey.  There are several documents relating to the history of beekeeping in the Ebro Lands and the famous “honey fountain”, also a swarm of bees in full activity. The facilities of Murias Apiarian Interpretation Centre is over 300m2, equipped with an audio-visual area and a permanent exhibition area, where the fascinating world of beekeeping is waiting to be discovered using large explanatory panels and interactive elements with tactile screens and projections.